If your Seattle area home relies on solar batteries for anything from complete electric utility access to emergency backup capability, you house benefits from efficient, abundant, and environmentally friendly power. Atlas Power Corp. believes that solar energy is a promising resource that can only increase in usefulness as the generally public continues to become more educated. To that end, we are providing a brief primer on the basic components of a home solar power system.

The module, or solar panel array, is what absorbs light from the sun and converts it into electricity through the use of photovoltaic (PV) material. PV panels are usually installed on a south-facing part of the roof to ensure ready access to the Sun for as many hours out of the day as possible.

A charge controller is where electricity from the PV panels is sent. The charge controller is a protection that prevents the solar batteries from overcharging and sustaining damage as a result.

Solar batteries are necessary to retain the energy collected from the PV module. If electric energy is allowed through the charge controller, it is then routed to the home’s battery, where it is stored for future use in the house. The battery can then supply on-demand DC current to any compatible appliances.

An inverter is needed to convert the battery’s DC current into AC current. Certain home appliances may require AC to operate correctly. Also, if your home is a grid-tied power system, electric current must be outputted to the grid in AC form.

If you’re interested in solar power systems and are thinking about making the upgrade in your own home, contact Atlas Power Corp. today! Our experienced technicians are skilled at installing, maintaining, testing and upgrading home and business solar power systems.